Thursday, April 07, 2011

Make taskbar smaller when docking on the side

In Windows 7, you can set your taskbar icon to small and the taskbar will shrink to a smaller side. Unfortunately, it will grow back to normal size if you dock the taskbar to either the left or right side of the desktop. There is no way to make just wide enough to fit the small icons. Well, there is none supported way to do it.

Here are the steps to get back the small taskbar when docking on the side:
1. Right click on the taskbar and select properties
2. Make sure Lock the taskbar, Auto-hide the taskbar, Use small icons are all checked
3. Click Ok
4. Press Windows Key and type services
5. Restart the "Desktop Window Manager Session Manager" service by right clicking on the service and select Restarst
6. Unhide your taskbar and select Properties
7. Uncheck Auto-hide the taskbar
8. Sit back and enjoy the smaller taskbar

Here is a video that goes through the steps.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Griffon Eclipse Integration

I spend a better part of a day searching around to figure out how to get Griffon and Eclipse to play nice together. I figured I will write it up to help the next person.

First you need to install the Groovy-Eclipse plugin. Here is the step by step guide to installing Groovy-Eclipse plugin:

After you installed the plugin, follow the following steps to add eclipse support to your Griffon project.

Create a new Griffon project:
> griffon create-app eclipse-integration

Add the Eclipse integration
> cd eclipse-integration
> griffon --integrate-with --eclipse

Install the Eclipse plugin to your Griffon project
> griffon install-plugin eclipse-support

If you need a specific version of the eclipse-support then you can specify it at the end. Since I am using Griffon 0.9.1a, I need to use version 0.3.1 of the eclipse support plugin.
> griffon install-plugin eclipse-support 0.3.1

Now you need to update the .classpath file in the project
> griffon eclipse-update

Now it is time to import the project into Eclipse. Go to Eclipse and select File -> Import.
Select General -> Existing Projects into Workspace
Press Next
Select the root directory of the Griffon project and click Finish.
You are almost there. If you select run right now, it will complain about GRIFFON_HOME is not set.
Right click on your project.
Select Run As then Run Configuration.
Expand Java Application.
You should find eclipse-integration under Java Application if you follow along with instruction or it will be whatever you name your project.
Select eclipse-integration.
Select the tab Environment on the right.
Click the New button
For name type in GRIFFON_HOME.
For value type in the path to Griffon.
Click Ok.
Click Apply.
Click Run.

I find that when I am editing a view, I can't click Run to run the project. I have to click on the project then click run to run it. Editing the controller and model do not have this problem.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Mac Mini ethernet port does not work at 1 Gigabit

Today I decided to connect my Mac Mini to the router using the ethernet cable and it didn't work. It would connect and then disconnect a minute later. I tried using different cables but that didn't fix the problem. Those cables work when I connect them to my PC so it is not the cable problem. Anyway, after browsing around the support forum, I decided to down grade the connection from 1 Gigabit to 100 Mbps and it starts to work.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

It takes 3 to 5 days to load money onto a Clipper Card!!

Please note that when you add value online, it can take up to 3-5 days for the value to be available to be loaded onto your card, and you must tag your card to a card reader to load the value.
I was hit with that message when trying to load my Clipper Card tonight. On top of that, you can't actually add money onto your card online. You need to go and tag your card at a card reader before the money can be loaded. No wonder the page title is "Add value online" instead of "Add value to your Clipper Card online".

The next stupid thing is this line.
Your card balance will not be updated until you have tagged your card and loaded the value.
Of course, you don't know when to go and tag your card because it can take up to 3-5 days before the money is available. I guess you can go and tag your card everyday then go online and check your balance. If your balance went up then you have successfully loaded your card. What a dump design. I bet those engineers made a bunch of money coming up with this stupid process too. So much for trying to be more efficient.

Of course, I do have an alternative way to do this. If I walk to my local Walgreens, they can put money onto the card right away. Since I have to walk to Walgreens to load my card, I might as well just get a new one. The card is free.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bidirectional binding in Griffon

It took me a lot of searching to figure out how to do bidirectional binding in Griffon.

class PersonModel {
    @Bindable String firstName

textField(id: 'firstName', text: bind(target: model, targetProperty: 'firstName', mutual: true)

The key word is "mutual: true"

Here is where I got the info from. It is at the bottom of the article.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Left Outer Join in Linq

I always can't quite remember how to do left outer join in Linq. Here is an example of how to do left outer join in linq using C#.

Class definitions:
class Book
    public int Id { getset; }
    public String Name { getset; }
class OrderItem
    public int BookId { getset; }
    public int Quantity { getset; }
Sample data:
var books = new List<Book>
    new Book {Id = 1, Name = "Groovy in Action"},
    new Book {Id = 2, Name = "Implementation Patterns"},
    new Book {Id = 3, Name = "C# Cookbook"}
var orderItems = new List<OrderItem>
    new OrderItem {BookId = 1, Quantity = 1},
    new OrderItem {BookId = 1, Quantity = 2},
    new OrderItem {BookId = 1, Quantity = 2},
    new OrderItem {BookId = 2, Quantity = 1},
    new OrderItem {BookId = 2, Quantity = 1},
    new OrderItem {BookId = 2, Quantity = 1}
var query = from b in books
            join oi in orderItems on b.Id equals oi.BookId into t
            from r in t.DefaultIfEmpty(new OrderItem())
            select new
                            BookId = b.Id,
                            BookName = b.Name,
                            Quantity = r.Quantity
foreach (var r in query)
    Console.WriteLine("Id = {0} Name = {1} Quantity = {2}",
        r.BookId, r.BookName, r.Quantity);
Id = 1 Name = Groovy in Action Quantity = 1
Id = 1 Name = Groovy in Action Quantity = 2
Id = 1 Name = Groovy in Action Quantity = 2
Id = 2 Name = Implementation Patterns Quantity = 1
Id = 2 Name = Implementation Patterns Quantity = 1
Id = 2 Name = Implementation Patterns Quantity = 1
Id = 3 Name = C# Cookbook Quantity = 0

Monday, January 31, 2011


This looks like a useful tool for those that write a lot of javascript for web development.

From backbone.js website:
"Backbone supplies structure to JavaScript-heavy applications by providing models with key-value binding and custom events, collections with a rich API of enumerable functions, views with declarative event handling, and connects it all to your existing application over a RESTful JSON interface."

Here is a quick write up on how to use the library from Thomas Davis.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How to set CommandTimeout in EF5

var objectContectAdapter = this.DbContext as IObjectContextAdapter;
objectContectAdapter.ObjectContext.CommandTimeout = 120;

Friday, January 28, 2011

A new beginning

I removed all my previous posts from this blog and started anew. It was interesting reading through my trials and tribulations but it is time to start a new chapter and leaving the past behind.

I guess I should give a little explanation for my blog url. I wanted it to be myrandomthoughts but someone already took it. I decided to be creative and look up the translation for the word thought in Vietnamese and ý kiến came up. So, there you have it. The story of my blog url.